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The chatbot is highly customizable, allowing you to customize its behavior to suit your application's needs. This page lists all available properties you can use to adjust the behavior and appearance of the button in your application.


To customize the properties, you need to set the appropriate attributes on the <biel-button> element in your HTML. For example:

<biel-button project="YOUR_PROJECT_ID" header-title=" chatbot" button-style="dark">Ask AI</biel-button>


The table below lists all the available properties that modify the layout:

Type: string

The project ID.
button-positionType: string
Default value: default
Available values: default, bottom-right, center-right

Position of the button.
button-styleType: string
Default value: default
Available values: default, dark, light

Style of the button.
custom-fontType: boolean
Default value: false

When set to true, the Inter font will not be loaded. Useful if your site already uses a different font, enabling a quicker load time.
disable-inputType: boolean
Default value: false

When set to true, the user input field is disabled.
error-message-4-0-3Type: string
Default value: Oops! The request URL does not match the one defined for this project.
403 unauthorized message.

error-message-4-0-4Type: string
Default value: Oops! We could not find the provided project ID.
404 not found message.

error-message-defaultType: string
Default value: Oops! Please try again later.

500 error message.
expand-modalType: boolean
Default value: false

When set to true, the modal opens expanded.
footer-textType: string
Default value: AI generated answers. Always verify the sources before using them.

Footer text.
header-titleType: string
Default value: Company Name AI

Title text for the chatbot header.
hide-expand-buttonType: boolean
Default value: false

When set to true, the expand button icon hides.
hide-feedbackType: boolean
Default value: false

When set to true, feedback options for the user are hidden.
hide-iconType: boolean
Default value: false

When set to true, the button icon hides.
initial-messagesType: array
Default value: []

Array of initial messages to be displayed in the chat. Each message should include text and sender (either user or ai).
modal-positionType: string
Default value: center
Available values: center, bottom-right, bottom-left

Position of the modal.