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AI chatbot for Docusaurus is an advanced chatbot designed to transform the way users interact with your technical documentation. By leveraging AI, delivers instant, context-rich answers, making your documentation more accessible and reducing the need for repetitive support tasks.

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you install in your Docusaurus project using NPM.


Before starting, ensure you have the following:

  • A account. If you don't have one, sign up for free.
  • A project created in your dashboard. Follow the Quickstart guide to create one.
  • A Docusaurus documentation site ready to install
  • Node.js installed.


The widget enables a conversational chat powered by AI in your site.

Chatbot widget for docs

To integrate the widget into your Docusaurus site:

  1. Open your terminal or command prompt. Navigate to your project's root directory using the cd command:

    cd path/to/your/project

    Replace path/to/your/project with your project's actual directory path.

  2. With your terminal still open, run the following command to install extension for Docusaurus:

    npm install docusaurus-biel
  3. Add the plugin to your Docusaurus config file docusaurus.config.js:

    plugins: [
    project: '<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>',
    headerTitle: ' chatbot',
    version: 'latest'

    Replace <YOUR_PROJECT_ID> with your project's ID from the dashboard.

  4. Start your Docusaurus project by running npm start or yarn start in your terminal. Once it compiles successfully, verify that the chatbot appears and functions correctly on your site.


You can customize the widget to suit your needs. For example, you can change the widget's position, color, and more.

To do so, you can add any of the following customization options to the plugin or formatted as camelCase.

Here's an example:

plugins: [
enable: true,
project: '<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>',
bielButtonText: 'ASK AI',
buttonPosition: 'center-right',
modalPosition: 'sidebar-right',
headerTitle: ' chatbot'
buttonStyle: 'dark',

To further customize the style of the widget in Docusaurus, such as altering the widget's background color, you can override specific CSS properties. This is done by defining these properties in a custom stylesheet. Here's how you can do it:

  1. In your project's src directory, create the file css/custom.css.

  2. In the custom.css file, you can define your custom CSS properties. For example, to change the widget's primary color, add the following CSS rule:

    :root {
    --biel-primary-color: #FF0000; /* Replace #FF0000 with the hex color code of your choice */

    For a complete reference of properties you can modify, see the Styles documentation.

  3. Open your docusaurus.config.js file and locate the presets array and within it, the classic preset configuration. Then, add a reference to your custom stylesheet in the theme configuration. It should look something like this:

    presets: [
    // ... other configurations ...
    theme: {
    customCss: require.resolve('./src/css/custom.css'), // Add this line
    // ... other configurations ...
    ],'s search widget offers a search-based interaction that allows users to query documentation or other indexed content.

Biel search

To integrate the search widget into your Docusaurus site, follow these steps:

  1. Open your terminal or command prompt. Navigate to your project's root directory using the cd command:

    cd path/to/your/project

    Replace path/to/your/project with your project's actual directory path.

  2. With your terminal still open, run the following command to install extension for Docusaurus:

    npm install docusaurus-biel
  3. Swizzling allows you to customize the SearchBar component. Run this command:

    npm run swizzle @docusaurus/theme-classic SearchBar
    • When prompted with the question: Which language do you want to use?, choose TypeScript.
    • When prompted with the question: Which swizzle action do you want to do?, choose Eject to extract the SearchBar component into the src/theme directory.
  4. Open the file at src/theme/SearchBar.tsx and replace its content with the following:

    import React from 'react';

    export default function SearchBar() {
    // Replace with your <PROJECT_ID>
    const projectId = '<PROJECT_ID>';
    const headerTitle = 'Documentation chatbot';
    // @ts-ignore: Not a React component
    return <biel-search-button project={projectId} button-style="rounded" header-title={headerTitle}>Search</biel-search-button>;

    Replace <PROJECT_ID> with your project's ID from the dashboard.

  5. Run your Docusaurus site to verify the changes:

    npm run start
  6. Check that the search widget appears and functions correctly on your site.

  7. (Optional) If you want to hide the floating widget and use only the search bar, you can disable the floating button by adding the following option to your docusaurus.config.js file:

    plugins: [
    'docusaurus-biel', {
    enable: false,
    project: '<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>',
    headerTitle: ' chatbot',
    version: 'latest'

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